One of the biggest challenges we face when working with kids with language disorders is getting them to say longer sentences that clearly communicate their ideas. Yet expanding sentences our students say is easier said than done, which is why I created this free e-book for SLPs, The Ultimate Guide to Sentence Structure. In this…
Bucket List Books for SLPs: The Five Love Languages of Children
I spend a lot of time talking about languages. After all, my site is all about building better language skills in children with disabilities. But today, I’m going to talk about another kind of language. One that doesn’t focus syntax or morphology. However, it does focus on one key verb. That verb is “love. I’ll…
Why kids can’t answer “why” questions
Do you have kids who have been working on “wh” questions FOREVER? If your students have a hard time understanding language, you’re probably familiar with that “deer-in-headlights” look you get when you ask the a “wh” question. Either that, or you’ve gotten used to getting responses that have NOTHING to do with what you asked….
Bucket List Books for SLPs: What’s Your Excuse? by John P. Foppe
What would you do if you had no arms? When John Foppe’s parents rushed to the hospital on the day of his birth, they were expecting to deliver a healthy baby girl. Imagine their shock when instead, they delivered a baby boy with no arms, and an abdominal issue that almost cost him his life;…
Teaching Conjunctions: Are we doing it wrong?
“Don’t start a sentence with a conjunction!” I can remember hearing that rule repeated over and over again during my elementary school grammar lessons. As an adult, I remember hearing it again when my students rattled off that rule in my therapy room while we were working on complex sentences. But there’s only one problem:…
Free E-Book: The Ultimate Guide to Sentence Structure
Tired of wondering how to treat “processing” problems? Do you wish someone would give you a roadmap to show you exactly what to do next? I know I use to feel that way. That’s why I wrote this free e-book for you, The Ultimate Guide to Sentence Structure: The SLP’s Roadmap to Language Comprehension and Expression. If…
How to build better sentences in kids with language disorders
When you’re treating language disorders, getting quality sentences from your students can seem impossible. We know they have weak grammar; but when it comes to actually treating the issues…sometimes we’re left drawing a blank. I used to go back to the old, tired goals for working on pronouns and verb tense. I’d work on getting…
Have students with language processing difficulties? Try teaching them this skill.
We’ve all gotten that dreaded referral for unexplained “language processing” difficulties. Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. The first challenge is knowing what type of screening procedures you should use when you’re deciding if you should evaluate. Once we’ve evaluated students and they’re on our caseloads we face a different problem:…
How do I know when to do a language evaluation?
Have you ever had a parent or teacher approach you because their child has “processing issues”? Are you constantly questioning your screening procedures, wondering if you’re either wasting time with unnecessary evaluations…or even worse….missing kids who truly are in need of help? If so, you’ll want to check out the video below where I walk…
Should I get my doctorate? (for speech pathologists and special education teachers)
Every time I ask this question on a public forum, I get a massive response. It seems this is a question that plagues a lot of speech pathologists (and possibly teachers as well). We have the urge to keep going and pushing ourselves. But maybe you feel like you’re barely treading water. Still paying of…