When I talk to the different SLPs I mentor, I usually hear the same things over and over again: They want to be able to go to work confident and actually SEE their students making progress… And they want to do it without sacrificing the rest of their life in the process.They’re starting to realize…
3 Principles for finding more fulfillment as an SLP
It’s possible to provide quality therapy as an SLP without burning out. When I started my first SLP job in the school systems back in the early 2000s, I felt like a “Jack of all trades, master of none”. There were so many different cases falling on my plate, and I didn’t feel like an…
Helping older students with ASD using evidence-based practices
When I search through a lot of commercially available social narratives for people with ASD, I often find myself underwhelmed. In many cases, they just don’t fit the specific scenarios relevant to students. In other cases, they’re too cutesy and not a fit for older students. There’s a lot about playing with friends, taking turns…
Why I don’t use pre-made social narratives for ASD
Every so often, people ask me for some social scripts for students with ASD and related diagnoses (pre-made, from worksheets or flashcards). The truth is, as much as I appreciate what people are trying to accomplish with social narratives worksheets and printouts… It would feel disingenuous to offer them because I rarely used them…nor do…
Teaching Prefixes and Suffixes: What’s age-appropriate across K-12?
I routinely get questions from speech-language pathologists about what’s “age-appropriate” when it comes to vocabulary, semantic, or morphological skills. The other day, an SLP asked me about how to determine which prefixes and suffixes to target in language therapy when working on morphological awareness skills. That’s why I wanted to hop on a quick video…
Digital Slides for R sound practice
This year, SLPs had to find ways to quickly create digital therapy materials quickly. That’s why I decided to add a Google slides library to the SLP Learning Academy member’s area. In SLP Learning Academy, we focus on helping SLPs create more fulfilling careers; and one of the ways we do that is by giving…
Are SLPs qualified to treat dyslexia?
Speech-language pathologists play an important role in language and literacy intervention for individuals with language processing disorders and dyslexia. But if you’re an SLP, you may be struggling to get a clear answer as far as where exactly you fit in to the process. That’s why I wanted to record this quick video for you…
Don’t make this mistake when teaching categorization (in language therapy)
A lot of speech-language pathologists address the skill of categorization in language therapy. The problem is that many of them make a key mistake that limits their students’ ability to generalize. In this video I share how to fix that problem. Why target categories in language therapy? Many speech-language pathologists know that their students struggle…
Why SLPs don’t have a language therapy curriculum
What’s the scope and sequence for language therapy? Why don’t we have a language therapy curriculum? I get these questions all the time, so today I wanted to give you some answers. Listen to the answer in this video: Why do people want a language therapy curriculum? The hidden question behind those question of scope…
Syntax intervention: Is there a scope and sequence?
I get questions all the time about whether or not there is a hierarchy to delivering quality language therapy. The truth is, there isn’t “one way” to do it. But the good news is that there are some really important skills speech-language pathologists can address that can make a big impact. Knowing what these skills…