Everyone is working really hard right now to make sure their speech and language services aren’t disrupted during the quarantine… Which means that we’re doing a lot of speech therapy online and sending a lot of activities home for practice. Many people are fearful that their clients will regress or that it will be too…
Language Therapy and Spelling: Here’s why they go together
Should SLPs be working on spelling? Short answer: YES! But not in the way you’d think. If you’ve ever thought spelling was the teachers’ job… Outside of our scope… Unimportant to language and it’s overall meaning… Too time-consuming to incorporate in to language therapy… Then you’re going to realize as you watch this video that…
Teletherapy Resource List for SLPs
A lot of my course members have been asking about different online platforms, HIPAA compliance, how to adapt activities to virtual sessions, ASHA’s standards, etc… So started putting together this resource list with all the helpful pieces of information I’ve found so far.This list includes things that will help you: …Choose the right teletherapy platform…
Why you don’t need more language therapy materials
I remember my first year as an SLP. I heard lots of sensational stories about how rewarding it was going to be…and how it was going to be so nice to be done with work at 3 PM and have the summer off. But when I actually got in to my job the whole “get…
Language therapy: Are you treating the SYMPTOM or the CAUSE?
A lot of the SLPs I mentor share that they feel pretty lost when it comes to language therapy. Some of them feel like they’re guessing at what to do next or just haphazardly grabbing games off their shelves… Instead of doing what they WANT…which is walking in to sessions 100% confident that they’re setting…
“Self-care” doesn’t work for SLPs. Here’s what does.
A while back, an article was floating around that recommended that SLPs “take a break to cry in their cars” to cope with job-related stress. This wasn’t the first time someone gave SLPs a generic “self-care” band-aid as a solution to burnout, and it won’t be the last. But it your BS radar goes off like…
Salaried vs hourly SLP positions (plus another option).
In the video below, the topic of the day is salary positions versus hourly positions for clinical and educational professionals. I know a lot of the readers are SLPs. We might have some other types of therapists and teachers, some school administrators, of other related professionals. To learn more, watch the video below: Video Transcript:…
Is travel therapy right for you (for speech-language pathologists)?
In the video below, I am joined by Julia Kuhn from The Traveling Traveler, and we’re going to talk a little bit about traveling therapy positions. To learn more, watch the video below: To learn more about how to get started with travel therapy, check out Julia’s course called “Guide to Travel Therapy” here. Video…
Three Mindset Shifts for SLPs who want to start a Private Practice
When I’ve mentored SLPs in the past, I’ve found there are a lot of myths floating around in the field about what it takes to run a successful business as an SLP, as well as your income potential. Starting a business can be uncomfortable, and people have a lot of objections to stepping out on…
Push-in, pull-out, co-teaching: What’s most functional for language therapy?
I get a lot of questions about how to write functional language goals, as well as how to improve language and vocabulary with “functional” activities. Usually the underlying question behind all of these surface-level questions is this: “How do I make sure my therapy will yield results in real-life situations outside my sessions.” OR “How…