When you’re treating language disorders, getting quality sentences from your students can seem impossible.
We know they have weak grammar; but when it comes to actually treating the issues…sometimes we’re left drawing a blank.
I used to go back to the old, tired goals for working on pronouns and verb tense. I’d work on getting kids to say “is” and “are” in the right spot until I was blue in the face.
But those were literally the only things I knew how to do when it came to working on expanding sentences. I’d model and recast, but I’d just do it for whatever random sentence type came up in the books we were reading.
I knew I needed to be more strategic. And I got sick of saying, “Can you use that word in a sentence,” and then getting the same incorrect responses over and over again.
That’s when I knew I needed to build my own knowledge of sentences. I was using diverse sentence types in my own language, but I couldn’t figure out which ones would have the biggest impact on my students.
That’s why I made syntax one of my biggest areas of study when I was searching for the best language therapy techniques out there. And it’s made a world of difference.
Which is why I want to share what I found in this free 36-page e-book called The Ultimate Guide to Sentence Structure: The SLP’s Roadmap to Language Comprehension and Expression.
In this guide, I’ll show you:
- The hidden culprit behind unexplained “processing” problems that’s often overlooked.
- The deceptively simple way to write language goals; so you’re not spending hours on paperwork (goal bank included).
- The 4 sentence types often behind comprehension and expression issues and why they’re so difficult.
- An easy-to-implement “low-prep” strategy proven to boost sentence structure, comprehension, and written language (conjunctions flashcards included).
You can check out the first chapter in this post here.
You can take a peak at the table of contents below for The Ultimate Guide to Sentence Structure: The SLP’s Roadmap to Language Comprehension and Expression:
Chapter 1: The truth about “language processing” problems
In this chapter you’ll learn the hidden culprit behind processing problems that don’t respond to traditional reading comprehension strategies, and why it’s such an essential piece to language therapy.
Chapter 2: Taking the Guesswork out of Goal-Writing
You’ll learn a simple technique for writing goals, so you don’t spend all night and weekend doing paperwork and stressing about data collection.
Chapter 3: Building Comprehension with Passive Voice
In this chapter, you’ll learn about the first sentence type that’s challenging for students with language disorders and why it’s so difficult to understand.
Chapter 4: Studying Complex Sentences and Conjunctions
You’ll learn the “comprehension killer” that’s one of the most important skills for solid writing and reading comprehension in academic settings.
Chapter 5: Increasing Working Memory with Relative Clauses
Working on this sentence type is a must; especially if you have students with working memory problems. In this chapter I’ll walk you through all the important pieces you need to know.
Chapter 6: Deconstructing Advanced Sentence Types
Here we’ll dive in to an advanced sentence type your students need to know to succeed in school.
Chapter 7: How do I teach complex sentences?
In this chapter you’ll learn an easy-to-implement evidence-based strategy that will build comprehension and expression; and it’s possible to get it done in a 30-40 minute session every week.
Chapter 8: Conjunctions Flashcards
In this section, you’ll get “print-and-go” coordinating and subordinating conjunctions flashcards you’ll be able to use to boost sentence structure.
Chapter 9: IEP Goals for Sentence Structure
We’ll wrap up our discussion about goals with a go-to goal bank with sentence structure objectives you can use to boost syntax.
Chapter 10: How do I know what is EBP for sentence structure?
You don’t have to stress about whether or not you’re using EBP. I’ll give you the list of references with links that went in to building this guide.
You can grab the entire 36-page guide here and learn how to build sentences your students need to succeed in school.
Want to hear an audio version of Chapter 1 of this free guide? If so, check out the video below: