The other day in my Language Therapy Advance Foundations program, some of my students asked how they should prioritize when they have students who need help with both vocabulary and grammar.
They were wondering which to target first.
My answer was this: Why not BOTH at once?
We often think of language skills, like semantic knowledge, syntax, grammar, etc, like discrete skills…
But they actually all support each other.
That’s why when we’re working on one, we’re often working on the others as well.
When we do this the right way, we don’t have to resort to “either or” thinking; we can simply show up to our sessions confident we’re targeting all the students our students need.
But as you probably know, that’s easier said than done. That’s why I recorded a quick video to share how to prioritize between all those different skills your students’ need using a systematic approach, so you can be sure you’re covering your bases.
You can listen to it here:
In the video above, I mentioned this online presentation, where I walk through the framework I teach in Language Therapy Advance Foundations.
When I first started practicing, I didn’t have a system for improving language skills.
Most of the time, I didn’t even know where to start:
… Comprehension?
… Vocab?
… Spelling?
That’s exactly why I created the process I share in Language Therapy Advance Foundations.
Since then, I’ve specialized in language…
I’ve spent over 10 years learning, researching, and teaching about how to improve students’ language skills…
And I want to share what I know with you — So that you can have the step-by-step, evidence-based plan you’ve been looking for.
The best part was that I not only helped my students reach their full potential…but that I was able to do it:
…Without working on every single worksheet teachers would send to speech with kids…
…Without spending hours drilling skills my students hated working on (like stating the main idea and answering inferencing questions)…
…Without teaching students every single vocabulary word they didn’t know…
…Even though I was working with mixed groups for only 30-40 minutes a week…
…Even with a huge caseload…
…Without reinventing the wheel for each individual language case…
…And without burning myself out in the process.
With the right system it’s possible for you to do the same.
What if you could:
… Cut your to-do list in half, and get still get groundbreaking results with your students?
… Leave work at a reasonable hour, get your nights and weekends back, and STILL see your students thrive?
… Be seen as a “go-to” language expert instead of the “speech teacher”?
… Spend less time digging through materials and research, and more time focusing on helping your students?
… Wake up recharged and 100% confident in your language therapy agenda on Monday morning?
It’s all possible when you have the right framework.
In this special online training, I’m going to share all the pieces and why it works so well for students with language disorders.
To learn the language therapy framework I teach in Language Therapy Advance Foundations, check out our free online training here.
This FREE online training reveals…
- The five essential ingredients every effective language therapy protocol must have (that aren’t being taught in most classrooms)
- How targeting these five specific skills can dramatically increase the language skills students need to succeed in school and life (like grammar, comprehension, and oral & written expression)
- The single most impactful skill that gets to the root cause of language processing issues (working on this ONE area makes it possible to target fewer skills, but get better results!)
- How to eliminate “time-wasters” from your sessions, so you can prioritize skills that make a true impact on student performance
- Why most students don’t make progress with goals focused on “following directions”, “wh” questions, and “comprehension strategies”(plus what to do instead)