For anyone working with the school age population, navigating Common Core Standards for students in special education can be a nightmare. Most of us know our students are far behind where they should be, especially when it comes to these early developing language skills that typically emerge before students come to school. But we can’t talk…
Author: DrKaren
Language Development: An Ultimate Guide
If you’re a professional working on building language skills; you’ve most likely taken a language development course at some point in your training. As an SLP, knowing norms for language development is the foundation for understanding how to diagnose and treat problems in this area. Yet I regularly hear discussions in professional forums debating what…
Language therapy resources: A year-end review
Many SLPs have a hard time finding good language therapy resources that make their lives easier with their huge caseloads; which was my motivation for starting Dr. Karen Speech and Language back in 2015. As we come to the end of the year, I wanted to take a quick second and highlight some of the…
Syntax Worksheets for Speech Therapy
As a follow up to my last post on sentence combining; I wanted to give you some quick resources with syntax worksheets for speech therapy. There are MANY ways you can come up with creative simple sentences to combine to compound sentences. You can write sentences about different media, like images, videos, and stories. You…
How to target syntax in speech therapy.
Many of us know we should address syntax in speech therapy sessions for kids with language disorders; but many of us aren’t really sure where to start. I’ve made the mistake of skimming over syntax and going right to comprehension strategies; like with my student John I talked about in this article. John wasn’t making…
Literacy intervention for SLPs: A counterintuitive approach
Literacy intervention for SLPs treating students with language disorders is a hot topic these days. The problem is that there isn’t a clear consensus about where SLPs should intervene which makes it really hard to figure out what we’re “supposed” to be doing. That’s why today I’m going to share some important research findings that…
What’s really causing reading comprehension problems?
There isn’t a week that goes by that the typical pediatric SLP doesn’t wonder how to fix their students’ reading comprehension problems. The problem is that most people are doing this backwards for kids with language processing issues. Many are skimming over some of the basic foundational skills our students need to be good readers…
Why “reading comprehension” strategies aren’t helping your students with language disorders.
There’s no question that language processing and reading comprehension go hand-in-hand. We know that our vocabulary skills have a huge impact on our ability to understand what we’re reading… Yet for students with language impairments, the reading strategies they’re learning in school could be missing the mark. This was definitely the case with my student…
Stop working on main idea and supporting details.
Do you spend loads of time working on “main idea” and “supporting details”? We all know these skills are important. I mean, stating the main idea and supporting details is expected according to the Common Core Standards. Students have to be able to do it to succeed in school. After all, getting the “gist” and…
Students aren’t making inferences? This could be why.
Not a year goes by that I don’t see an inferencing goal for a student with language issues. It reminds me of a former student of mine, “John” (which I told you about in this last article) was no different. John was the “lazy and unmotivated” student who turned in sloppy written work with incomplete answers…