SLPs can play SUCH and important role in building literacy skills… Since SLPs have a background in language, they’re well-equipped to help kids build the decoding skills kids need to be strong readers and spellers. But sometimes knowing how to provide support can be a little confusing! A great place to start is by teaching…
What is texting doing to spelling and reading skills?
As an SLP I spend a fair amount of time doing research on strategies for building language and literacy skills. But back when I was in elementary school, I didn’t catch on to reading right away. I had what I like to refer to as the Catholic school version of Response to Intervention. I still…
For SLPs: When should you challenge your facility’s rules?
Recently, I asked my readers if they ever felt like the procedures, rules, and other “administrative red tape” at their facilities got in the way of providing quality services. A lot of people felt like people without expertise in communication had more influence than they should… Or that the SLPs didn’t have enough say in…
How to tell if speech pathology materials are EBP
How do I know if these therapy materials are “evidence-based”? That’s a question I get a lot. There’s a lot of pressure on clinicians to prove that what they’re doing is based on research…but there are so many products to sift through. A lot of times it’s hard to tell if the product was made…
Language screenings: How to accurately identify students in need of help
I get asked all the time, “What’s the best language screener”? Usually people want some kind of a formal test, because that’s what most speech pathologists been trained to do. But if you want to accurately identify kids who might need a full case study evaluation…that type of thinking might result in overidentifying or worse…underidentifying…
What resources can I share with parents to build vocabulary at home?
What resources can I share with parents to build vocab at home? It’s a great question and it comes up a lot. Unfortunately, it usually comes in the form of “What app can I use to build my child’s vocabulary”? My response is usually that the best way to build your child’s vocabulary is not…
What’s working now: For building spelling skills
Building spelling skills can have a huge impact on overall language processing and vocabulary growth, which falls perfectly in line with your expertise. Vocabulary is one of the biggest predictors of success or failure in school because of it’s impact on overall comprehension and language processing (Nagy & Scott, 2000; Nippold, 2017). But most people…
Parent and Educator Guide to Executive Functions
A lot of people think executive functioning skills are just about “being more organized”…but there’s a lot more to it than that. Executive functioning skills enable us to engage in productive behavior towards a specific goal. They help us focus, figure out specific steps to take, and then do those steps in a reasonable amount…
Here’s how to help parents follow through with speech homework
Knowing exactly how to support parents can be tricky, especially when you’re concerned that people won’t follow through with their “speech homework”. What most people don’t realize is that when homework isn’t getting done, it’s often NOT a lack of motivation. Many parents I’ve worked with have expressed how overwhelmed they are when getting their…
Improving attention span: The skill most people miss
Attention issues have gotten more and more prevalent in today’s world. There’s a lot of information out there about how to improve your child’s attention span. That can be a lot for parents to sift through-especially when come of the interventions are quite controversial. What most people don’t realize is that attention is a SKILL….