Is the “Essential 5” language therapy framework right for my caseload?
This is a common question I get about the system I teach to help SLPs systematically boost their students’ academic language, processing, and comprehension skills.
So that’s why in the video below, I dive into some of those FAQs, like:
Will it help with Central Auditory Processing Disorder?
Can I use it for English Language Learners or Bilingual students?
How does it work for SLD (dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.)?
What about ASD and ADHD?
Is it a fit for students with low IQ or who are in the severe to profound range?
What age groups are a fit for this framework?
Listen in and learn how to use the Essential 5 to help students make consistent gains in language comprehension and expression.
To learn more about how to create an EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE language therapy system that helps students boost academic language, processing, and comprehension, check out my free online masterclass for SLPs.
It’s called: “How to 10x language therapy outcomes without hours of prep and planning.”
Here’s what you’ll learn:
1. My evidence-based 5-component framework for boosting comprehension and expression.
2. The top language therapy mistakes and WHY they confuse students and lead to SLP burnout.
3. The ONE area to target that will maximize therapy time (even with a packed schedule).