Semantic feature analysis is a vocabulary-building strategy that builds storage and retrieval, boosts metalinguistic awareness skills, and teaches students to define and describe words in a way that’s EFFICIENT, and EFFECTIVE.
Many of us know how to do semantic feature analysis for nouns, but we know that our students need to know verbs and adjectives as well.
If you’ve ever wondered how to teach the skill of “antonyms and synonyms” in a way that’s more functional and contextualized, you’re going to love the this strategy.
Helping our students analysis these types of words isn’t as straightforward as nouns…which is a problem if we’re wanting to really improve our students’ functioning in school.
That’s why I’ve released a couple videos that are normally reserved for paid members of my signature program for SLPs called Language Therapy Advance Foundations.
I call these the “virtual therapist” videos. Many of my readers have asked to see live recordings of me doing therapy so they can get an idea of how to implement some of the techniques that I share.
I decided to give you something even better. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could pop in to your and model ways to lead your students through some of these tried and true techniques?
Well…now I can…sort of.
I’ve designed these videos so you can play them for your students to help lead them through semantic feature analysis, and I’ve just added them to my YouTube channel this weekend.
In this first video, I walk you through doing semantic feature analysis for an adjective. Once you use this recording a couple times, you should be able to see how it’s done so you can study other words with your students:
In this second video, I take it a step further. Once you brainstorm semantic information, you’re going to want to give your students an opportunity to USE the pieces of information they just discussed. That’s why this second video outlines a way you can use semantic feature analysis to improve your students’ ability to explain and define words.
You can watch the second video here:
These videos came directly from the Language Therapy Advance Foundations course, my program that shows gives SLPs a system for language therapy that helps build the foundational skills kids need to thrive in school and life.
You can learn more about the program here.