The other day I got a great question from a read and wanted to do a special case study Q & A.
In this particular case, the SLP is supporting a 10-year old bilingual student in a private clinic.
The student presents with disorganized syntax and various grammatical errors.
They’ve worked on things like verb tense, prepositions, copulas, but she’s looking for ways to figure out how to support this student in expressing himself more effectively in English.
In this video, I break down:
-Ways to evaluate/gather data for therapy planning for syntax, including issues with the common evaluation tools like the CELF-5.
-Why it’s often hard to pinpoint what skills are lacking when students present with disorganized syntax and grammatical errors.
-Where to start when it comes to supporting syntax in students with language disorders (or bilingual, ELLs)
I share the framework I use to target difficult sentence types that impact language processing in Language Therapy Advance Foundations.
Language Therapy Advance Foundations is a self-led online course specifically for SLPs who work with K-12 students that struggle with reading comprehension and language processing difficulties.
The program consists of 6 training modules that walk you through your new “scope and sequence” for helping your students consistently achieve their therapy goals. You’ll learn things like:
- How to build deep semantic skills that increase word storage and retrieval.
- How to use definition syntax that improve retention and use of vocabulary across settings.
- How to build syntax skills that support comprehension and written expression across contexts.
- How to build spelling, decoding and language skills through targeted word study.
- How to keep language therapy structured, intensive, and efficient to support generalization.