What REALLY needs to happen for language therapy to be effective?
(hint: a lot of it happens before you even walk in to the therapy room)
This is EXACTLY why it’s so hard to get it right…
If you’re an SLP, you may have noticed that there are TONS of different therapy materials to choose from. So much, in fact, that it can be pretty overwhelming to figure out what to do next, and in what order.
You’re probably starting to realize that a lot of these “SLP time-savers” like flashcards and worksheets are just Bandaids for the real issue at hand…and all that clutter can end up collecting dust on your shelves.
So the “time-savers” actually can end up costing you more time in the long run. Which means you end up in an endless cycle of staying late after work and bringing work home on the weekends.
But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s possible to cut through the clutter and make a true impact on your students and clients WITHOUT tons of materials…
As you watch the video below, you’re going to realize that the solution is in using LESS, not MORE. And doing this the right way can amplify your results WITHOUT burning you out.
I’ll share the counter intuitive secret to getting it right in this video:
I’m Dr. Karen, and I help pediatric SLPs get better results with less effort, so they can make a lasting impact on their students and clients and still have a life outside work.
I’ve been an SLP since 2004, and after struggling in my early years to treat language disorders, I decided to make it my area of specialty during my doctoral work. Since then, I’ve found systems and protocols that work, and I want to share them with you.
That’s why I’ve created the Effective Language Therapy for SLPs Facebook group for clinicians who want to transform their language therapy so they can change their students’ lives without sacrificing their nights and weekends.
If you liked this video, come and join me in this group for SLPs who are learning how to create consistent language therapy systems so they can create a lasting impact on the world.