One of the most comment objections I get when I talk about spelling/grammar intervention is, “But are my students ready for this?” Specifically, I get this question a lot when it comes to building morphological awareness for the purpose of building reading and spelling skills. Working on morphology, such as studying prefixes and suffixes, used…
Author: DrKaren
Morphological Awareness: The Missing Piece
Have you thought about morphological awareness lately? If you have students with weak vocabulary, grammar, and spelling skills, it might be time to start. It can be hard to figure out how soon we should start teaching students about morphology and building their morphological awareness skills. In this article, I’m going to summarize a study…
Grammar and Spelling Intervention: The Missing Piece
As an SLP, you probably know you should be doing some type of grammar intervention in your therapy. It’s clear our students have poor grammatical skills impacting their reading and writing performance, but many of us feel we lack a good road map for solving this issue. So what do we end up doing? Well…I…
Five Deceptively Simple Techniques to Build Vocabulary
There isn’t a week that goes by that I don’t hear an SLP out there cry in frustration: “I’m NOT a speech teacher! I’m a freaking SLP!” And for good reason. No one likes to be mislabeled or misunderstood, and when it comes down to it, a lot of people don’t REALLY understand what we…
Your step-by-step guide to improving narrative language
Have you ever felt like you should be doing more “push-in” therapy instead of resorting to the standard “pull-out” model? If you’ve ever felt this way…it’s okay to give yourself a break. Why? First of all, it’s probably not your fault. Scheduling can be a disaster. With the large caseloads we have, it can seem…
Semantic Feature Analysis for Adjectives
Semantic feature analysis is a vocabulary-building strategy that builds storage and retrieval, boosts metalinguistic awareness skills, and teaches students to define and describe words in a way that’s EFFICIENT, and EFFECTIVE. Many of us know how to do semantic feature analysis for nouns, but we know that our students need to know verbs and adjectives…
SLPs and Literacy: What are we supposed to be doing?
Even though I don’t like to admit it, there were times throughout the early years of career that I’ve felt totally confused about my role in language and literacy. If you have experienced this too, you know that feeling this way can make it really hard to do your job. It wasn’t until I went back…
How to target articulation and language in the same session
Those of us who work with school-aged children know that its rare to have cases with only one isolated problem. Because of that, we need to to expert problem-solvers who can figure out how to cram as much in to our sessions as possible. Since it’s common to have students with both language and articulation…
When can you treat language and articulation at the same time?
It seems like being a speech pathologist is kind of like being on a roller coaster. We have some days we’re ready to tackle the trickiest cases and are determined to change the world…but then there are other days we’re limping along just trying to get through the day…wondering if we’re ever going to actually…
The stress-free solution for your school speech therapy schedule
No one ever told me that one of the most stressful parts of my job would have little do to with providing direct therapy to my students. But I got a serious truth bomb when my supervisor at my school clinical placement showed me the daily schedule…and I almost had a heart attack. A feeling…